Friday, December 28, 2007

It Stings Slightly

Have you ever stumbled across something -- likely on the internet, but possibly in real life -- that so disturbed or disgusted you that it made you feel less human, as if part of your soul were whittled away?

When you work in the adult film industry for enough time, you come across things that will have that effect on you from time to time, but of course the more you see, the less things get to you. I used think that the last part of my soul died the day that I was required to enter "nasal cumshot1" into a database as a keyword search term and film descriptor. Since then, things have made me blink twice or wince a bit -- virtual unicorn rape-and-impregnation machines, Mythbusters slashfic and attendant artwork, the everpresent specter of granny porn -- but until very recently nothing had given me that wrenching feeling deep down inside wherein I realized too late that somehow, against all odds, I actually managed to retain a little bit of humanity that was even now being torn from me like the wings from a screaming butterfly.

But that all changed a couple of days ago, when I first laid eyes upon Fuck my Gut Butt. Yes, that's right, Fuck my Gut Butt.

Now I know what you're thinking, because it's what I was thinking: "What the hell is a gut butt?" Well, if someone is sufficiently obese then their bellybutton must necessarily be buried deep, hidden between and beneath rolls and folds of warm, enticing belly fat and... and...

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Mikey Mongol learned that he still had a bit of soul left and lost it, all in a split-second of horrible psyche-searing epiphany.

1HOW is that even remotely sexy? It's like... semen waterboarding. Not hot, people! Not hot!


Kainenchen said...

It could be, you know, two girls and a cup. Or the BME pain finals.

Dave Moves said...

Okay, I watched that movie. Or, at least, I used the player to skip through it 2 minutes at a time.

It's false advertising. No stomachs were fucked in this movie. Or if they were, it was done for less than two minutes, which is really kind of unacceptable given that the act is mentioned in the title of the movie.

Also, one of the girls has a really nasty wart on her inner thigh.

Other than that, pretty standard BBW porn.